Eighth Grade Parent Night
GOAL (Go Out & Learn Program) Informational Meeting
Public School Choice
made school choice statewide by allowing students to apply to attend any other high school in the state.
If you are interested in applying for school choice, please complete the application (link below) by March 1. Applications are due to the home school.
Application and Procedures for the 2014-2015 school year
Support Penguin Plunge Team CVU Redhawks aim to raise $50,000 for Vermont Special Olympics this year. Help support our team! Read all about it here: Penguin Plunge Preview | NHS Dinner to Benefit COTS Come enjoy an evening with good food for a good cause! The CVU National Honor Society is hosting a lasagna dinner on Thursday, February 6, from 6 – 8 p.m. at the CVU Cafeteria. Tickets are $8. The proceeds raised will benefit COTS. |
Yearbook News
FEBRUARY 21, 2014
As you may already know, CVU is celebrating its 50th graduation (birthday)?, and this year's Janus yearbook will be an important milestone and keepsake for all CVU families.
Past history indicates that most of our families wait to purchase their yearbooks between February and May. We are no longer going to continue this practice. When the yearbook staff finalizes book sales in February, it needs an accurate count of the number of books to order. If you wish to purchase a 2014 Janus yearbook, you must do so by Friday, February 21, 2014. NO extra yearbooks are being ordered, and there will be no extra books available for purchase in June, so it is important to order your yearbook now.
The cost of a yearbook is $60, and a deposit of $30 will reserve a book for your student. Here's how to order: 1. online at www.jostens.com (will accept credit cards) 2. Bring in or mail your check for $60 (or $30 to reserve) to Colleen Wedge, Yearbook Adviser, c/o CVU. Checks should be payable to CVU Yearbook.
If you have any questions, please contact the yearbook adviser, Colleen Wedge, at 482-8926.
Environmental Club News
by Emily Geske, Miranda Poulos, Forrest Dodds and Katie Antos-Ketcham
Students from the Money, Energy and Power (MEP) class and EnACT have started the “Push Me” Campaign to ask that people start turning off computers and monitors when they are done with them to save energy to help the environment and to lower CVU’s electricity bills. Students, faculty and staff will see the campaign’s logo when they see the CVU computer background during parts of January (pictured here). Furthermore, here’s additional information that people may find helpful about shutting down computers and monitors.
Common Misconceptions That AREN’T True
Myth: “Turning computers on and off throughout the day uses more energy than leaving computers during the school day.”
Fact: While computers do take more energy to turn on, the startup process is short (approximately 38 seconds). As a general guideline, it’s best to shutdown both the computer and monitor if they will not be used within two minutes. That’s because CVU computers use 78 watts of energy when they are on and 96 watts of energy to start up.
Myth: “Turning computers off and on throughout the day is harmful to internal computer components and will lead to deterioration.”
Fact: With updated technology, the computer systems are more advanced and do not cause any grinding of gears or damage to the computers because of the new wiring systems.
Shutting down a computer can be as simple as a push of the power button. CVU’s computers are programmed to shut down when the power button is pressed once, saving both energy and money on our electric bills. Join our effort and “push me” when you’re done.
CVU Math Students Try Computer Science
Advisory Pride Emblems Take Over 4-Corners
CVU recently held its annual Advisory Pride Emblem contest. There were over 80 Advisories that participated in this fun, community-building project. The goals of the project are to:
- Enhance the Advisory purpose (Advisory provides the opportunity for every student to develop meaningful relationships, focusing on personalized academic, civic and social growth).
- Promote the Advisory program and its connection to the school.
- Promote school spirit through a visual display of our school unity.
- Provide a fun, schoolwide Advisory project that encourages participation and representation from every student.
Spirit Judge’s Award
Russ Aceto TJ Mead
Katie Antos-Ketcham Polly Vanderputten
Marsh/Wedge Emily Rinkema
Creative Pretty Darn Clever
Jess Barnum Stan Williams
Glenn Fay Dave Trevithick
Carly Rivard Jane Krasnow
Most Improved
Life Program - Helen MacAndrews/Jim Clapp
Thank you to all who participated and can’t wait to see what next year brings. The emblems will be displayed in Four Corners for the next several months.
Half-Day Inservices for 2013-2014 There are half-day in-services throughout the school year with students dismissed at 12:30 p.m. Below are the remaining dates for in-services for the 2013-2014 school year: Tue Feb 11, 2014 – Curriculum work Wed March 12, 2014 – Curriculum work Tue Mar 25, 2014 – MAPS 10 Advisor/Advisee/Parent meeting Tue Apr 8, 2014 -Grad Challenge Reading Days Wed Apr 9, 2014 -Grad Challenge Reading Days Wed May 21, 2014 – Curriculum work CVU Calendar for 2013-2014 Please check out the CVU School Year Calendar on our homepage. This calendar has the Red and White day schedule, early dismissals, vacation days, sporting events, etc. Please check it on a regular basis. We will update it as needed. You can also access it by clicking the following link: http://www.cvuhs.org/school-calendar.html | Attendance Reminder Please remember that when your student is out due to illness, appointments, or any reason, a call to his/her house office is required on the day of the absence. Please call if your student will be arriving late, leaving early, or even if s/he is leaving and then returning. (If your student is leaving during a free block, a call is still needed). Calls should be received in the house office by 9:30 a.m. whenever possible. If your student will be missing school due to extended family vacations, etc., please notify the house office in advance so the proper paperwork may be filled out and early notification given to the teachers. Cyndi Labelle, Chittenden House 482-7130 Deb Seaton, Fairbanks House 482-7140 Vicki Roberts, Nichols House 482-7160 Julie Bevins, Snelling House 482-7150 |
Direction Center News
Everyone is welcome to attend this college fair – the only spring fair in the Chittenden County area. Monday, April 7, 11:30–1:30 p.m. Meet admissions representatives from over 125 colleges.
Vermont Student Assistance Corporation
The Vermont Student Assistance Corporation was created by the Vermont Legislature to help students and parents obtain information about colleges and financial aid, as well as to help with the distribution of grants and loans. On Thursday, January 23rd at 6:00 P.M., we will facilitate a forms night for all senior parents who would like assistance completing the FAFSA (Federal Financial Aid) Form.
Seniors – Please note that VSAC scholarship booklets are now available in the Direction Center. This booklet lists over 100 scholarships for students who will be attending college in 2013-2014. There is an early bird deadline of February 7th for those interested in being entered into a drawing for an extra $1000 scholarship. The regular deadline for these scholarships is March 7th.
Technical Center Visit Days
Counselors from Essex and Burlington Technical Centers came to CVU to talk with all sophomores about the possibility of classes next year. Now, we're organizing two days on which students can visit the both Burlington and Essex Technical Centers.
There are many exciting choices with engaging, hands-on learning opportunities. Consider these possibilities: Aviation Technology, Culinary, Cosmetology, Human Services, Medical Sports Sciences, Computer Animation and Web Design, Natural Resources, Dental Assisting, Graphic Design, and many more! Parents can visit, too! Open House at CTE is on Saturday, February 8, from 10:00-2:00 p.m.
Students need to sign up in advance for two programs they would like to visit and bring in a parent permission slip. A visit is required for all students who would like to enroll in a technical program next year. If your daughter/son is interested, please have the student stop by the Direction Center to sign up and get a permission slip.
The Pre-tech application process for interested 9th grade students will start a bit later in the spring. Feel free to talk with Jane Krasnow in the Direction Center if you have a ninth grade son/daughter who may be interested. 482-128 or email [email protected].
Advanced Placement Course Roundtable
“Can I get into college without an AP course?” “How many AP’s are too many?”
Each year parents and students work together on planning a course schedule that balances academic rigor with all the other activities high school students love. The challenge is often in wrestling with conflicting information and advice. Join us for a roundtable discussion on Wednesday, January 22nd, at 7:00 PM. We’ll meet to discuss AP courses and student schedules. Come hear our panel of AP teachers, a college admissions professional, and a student who has successfully weathered the process. Please RSVP at 482-7137.
Graduation Challenge is in full swing. Here are a few reminders to seniors:
•Meet face-to-face with your Community Consultant at least once per quarter. If you have finished your community learning hours, you can discuss research, resources, and whom to interview. You may also wish to discuss what to cover in your paper.
•Contacting someone and asking him/her to be your Community Consultant is creating a relationship. Take care to respond to your Community Consultant’s communication.
•Planning will help you avoid contacting your Community Consultant right before the deadline which is rude (some of them will be unavailable, busy, or out of town).
•Take great photos. Besides sending 1-5 to MaryAnne, you will have good material for your presentation. Plan ahead.
•Sign-up schedule for Grad Challenge presentation times will be posted during February in the Direction Center. Seniors: keep an eye out for an email, announcement, and reminder. Your Advisors will also be notified when the schedule is open.
Talk to your Advisor if you need any help with time management, resources, or communication.
CVU Shadow Program
This is a great way to help students figure out what they want to study in college or what kind of job/career they want!
Parents: Your generosity is appreciated. Please consider offering a job shadow experience to a CVU student. Health care careers, architects, engineers, business people, vets - you name it! MaryAnne Gatos matches students to experiences after conversing with you about your work. You may be specific about what you can offer. Students typically observe for one to three hours. Students participate in a mandatory orientation meeting to cover job skills, research the company or career, and discuss confidentiality and reliability. To offer a job shadow, please visit the CVU Shadow Program web page under Community Learning Opportunities.
Buddy Program
Sign up for participating in the second semester Buddy Program is open during the first couple days of the semester! Sophomores, juniors, and seniors are encouraged to be role models for younger elementary school children. Students go during a free block (Mon-Thurs) to one of our elementary schools and are matched with a younger child to play games, talk, help with homework, go outside, or do craft projects. Younger buddies come to CVU at the end of the semester for a celebration. If interested, if you have any questions, or if you would like an application, please contact MaryAnne Gatos in the Direction Center.
Naviance Instructional Tutorials
For those juniors and/or parents who are interested in learning about Naviance, we have created a series of tutorial videos that will introduce you to many aspects of this program. To see them, visit the CVU homepage, then click on Instructional Support, and then Direction Center. On the left under Quick Links is Naviance. Once you choose that option, you will see information and links to these Tutorials. Take a look! (https://sites.google.com/a/cvuhs.org/cvunaviance/home/cvu-students)
March 15, 2014 – VSAC’s Pathways to College
This annual daylong program offers a series of workshops that teaches you everything you need to know about finding a great college. It’s held on Saturday at St. Michael’s College. For more information and registration, go to vsac.org. Other dates/locations include March 29 at Castleton College and April 7 at Lyndon State College.
Students are encouraged to utilize resources to learn more about potential careers. The following are great places to start:
1. The PLAN website. Use the information from your PLAN interest inventory to learn more about careers that you might enjoy. Go to www.planstudent.org
2. CVU’s Naviance Program. Use this site to explore career clusters (groups of careers with common features and skills), college majors associated with these careers, colleges that offer these majors, and much more. Access through the Direction Center link on www.cvuhs.org
3. Vermont Guidance Central at www.vsac.org. This is a very comprehensive career exploration site that provides in-depth career descriptions, interest inventories, information about college majors, and more.
4. CVU’s Job Shadowing Opportunities. Contact the Direction Center for more information.
Course Registration for 2014-2015
The scheduling process for 2014-2015 will begin at the end of January. We are excited to offer some new courses in addition to almost all of last year’s offerings. Students will be meeting with their house counselors for assistance in course selection. Students will receive their appointment date/time in late January. In the meantime, the 2014-2015 course catalog will be available online in early January. Start checking out these course offerings!
CVU Summer Academy
Interested in enrolling in a CVU course this summer? The CVU Summer Academy enrollment form will be available by February 1, 2014.
The Vermont Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) program is an independent, accredited high school exclusively for high school seniors and VERY different than the Vermont Association of Snow Travelers (VAST). Tuition is free for Vermont residents.
Essentially, VAST is an accelerated program that allows high school seniors to take a full year of college-level classes while completing their high school degree. In other words, the classes taken at Vermont Tech simultaneously serve as a student’s senior year of high school and a full year of college credit. More information can be found at: http://www.vtc.edu/vast.