Dessert with the Principal, Thursday, Nov 7
Environmental Action Club

When the fall semester ended, Lily Harris joined EnACT to continue the collaboration that started with her semester-ending project. EnACT members eagerly pitched in to help the idea move from vision to reality. Cameron Harris ‘14 and Emma Hamilton ‘13 took on considerable responsibility, which included collaborating with staff from CVU, CSWD, UVM, and City Market for ideas. The sorting stations were paid for by a $6,000 grant from CSWD co-authored by Lily Harris and Katie Antos-Ketcham as well as a donation of more than $5,000 by CVU Food Service Director Leo LaForce.
Thanks to the work of Kurt Proulx and his staff, the stations were ready for action on the first day of classes for new students this August. Current EnACT members are now working to educate the CVU community about “what goes where” and hosted assemblies featuring a game show format the week of September 23. Current juniors Katie Bedell and Rachel Slimovitch are pictured above emceeing the sophomore assembly. Early reports from Kurt’s crew are that “recycling is way up.” EnACT will hold its annual waste audit Friday, October 25, and looks forward to comparing data to previous years.
Travel to China in April
NECAP Science Results
CVU Theatre Presents Spamalot
CVU Calendar for 2013-2014 Please check out the CVU School Year Calendar on our homepage. This calendar has the Red and White day schedule, early dismissals, vacation days, sporting events, etc. Please check it on a regular basis. We will update it as needed. You can also access it by clicking the following link: | Half-Day in-services for 2013-2014 There are half-day in-services throughout the school year with students dismissed at 12:30 p.m. Below are the remaining dates for in-services for the 2013-2014 school year: Wed Oct 30, 2013 – Curriculum work Wed Dec 4, 2013 – Curriculum work Tue Feb 11, 2014 – Curriculum work Wed March 12, 2014 – Curriculum work Tue Mar 25, 2014 – MAPS 10 Advisor/Advisee/Parent meeting Tue Apr 8, 2014 -Grad Challenge Reading Days Wed Apr 9, 2014 -Grad Challenge Reading Days Wed May 21, 2014 – Curriculum work |
Direction Center News
Direction Center website
Much of the information posted in announcements by the Direction Center can be found on our website, including:
· class pages with tips for each grade level (9th/10th/11th/12th);
· dates, time, place of activities of interest: college rep visits, college fair, job fair, deadlines, SAT/ACT schedule of due dates, scholarship info, etc.;
· future planning services including college planning, discovering career interests, GAP year resources, links to information about opportunities with the military, information about multiple pathways including DUAL enrollment, CVU’s GOAL independent study, Virtual High School online courses,etc.;
· Naviance tutorials;
· Community Learning opportunities including internships, volunteering, and workshops.
In addition to our website, we’re starting our own Twitter feed. Look for us at @cvu direction center.
Whether your future plans include going to college, getting a job, or maybe even taking a year off, it is very important that you meet with your House Counselor. This fall, the House Counselors will work individually with each senior to discuss his/her individual plans. Please encourage your student to stop in and sign up for an appointment today. Parents/Guardians are welcome to join us. Please call 482-7137 for Helen Shepard to schedule an appointment.
College Representative Visits are scheduled. Be sure to check the Daily Announcements in Advisory and Naviance for information on which college representatives will be visiting with students in the Direction Center.
SAT and ACT deadlines approach quickly. College testing requirements vary widely, so students should doublecheck which tests are required by each college to which they will apply. Please make note of the dates below. Students register for the test directly with the testing companies through their websites ( for SAT and for ACT) or by completing the registration packets which may be found in the Direction Center. Register early to ensure a spot in the testing location you prefer. CVU’s CEEB (testing) code is 460-175. Please remember that colleges require official test scores. Be sure to request that your scores be sent directly to the college by the testing company. See for SAT dates and for ACT dates.
Grad Challenge is your opportunity to create a personally meaningful learning experience. Your Advisor and MaryAnne Gatos, the Grad Challenge Coordinator, will be happy to help you decide on a topic, find resources, and get your project underway. All information about Grad Challenge is located on its home page under Instructional Support/Graduation Challenge. Hard copies of the Grad Challenge Student Handbook are available in the Direction Center.
Grad Challenge magnets are available from Advisors.
Schedule of deadlines for Grad Challenge are:
Dec 6: Mid-Year Report signed by your Community Consultant
Feb 11-14: Sign up for presentation times
March 7: Draft of Grad Challenge paper due to your Advisor
April 4: Final copy of Grad Challenge paper due with signed Community Consultant Verification form. Learning hours are completed. Tangible Product completed. Signed Tangible Product Critique form
April 8 and 9: Faculty Reading Days
May 22: Tangible Product Fair
May 23: Grad Challenge Presentation Day
Mark your calendars now for May 23, Grad Challenge Presentation Day. We all look forward to seeing and hearing about what you learned.
Welcome to junior year. We’ll be asking juniors a bit more about post-high school plans. The first step is for students to keep their academic focus strong. The second is to begin to identify the specific individual criteria that are personally important to students and parents. Individual junior meetings with counselors will begin in January.
Join us on October 22 at 7:00 p.m. for a session about junior year. We will answer these questions for you.
- What should I be doing, as a parent, to help my student?
- Where do I find information?
- What should my student be doing as a junior?
- What does CVU do to support my student in this process?
On October 16, all juniors took the PSAT at no cost to the students. It’s a great idea to take this nationally-normed test even if your student is undecided about their long-range educational goals. This test provides practice for the SATs and is the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship. The results will come back to CVU in December, and counselors will review them individually with students in addition to sending them home. Students will be able to look at their original test booklets and compare their answers with each test answer. Using the PSATs in this way will enable students to prepare more thoroughly for SATs in the spring.
The advantages of taking the test are:
Scores – The scores are not released to any colleges.
Scholarship eligibility – This test is the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship Program.
Practice – This test provides great practice for the SATs, which juniors should plan to take in the Spring.
Convenience – The test is administered right here at CVU, in surroundings that most juniors find comfortable and relaxing.
Although it seems that 2014 is far away, we have already scheduled our popular Junior College Night. This program, open to both parents and students, offers valuable information from a panel of college admissions counselors. Mark your calendar for Thursday, January 8, at 6:00 p.m.
PLAN, a nationally normed test, is taken nationwide by nearly one million students in preparation for the ACT College Test. We give this test to all sophomores because it provides useful academic and career interest information. The four sections of the exam: English, Reading, Math, and Science Reasoning. Each sophomore will receive a report that identifies strengths and weaknesses, helps students explore career interests, and gives information about the preparation needed to achieve long-term career goals. Counselors have provided information to sophomores about this practice ACT test in their English 10/Making of the Modern World classes. In addition to an excellent career and interest inventory, the test offers students a chance to practice the academic component of the ACT College Test (Reading, Math, English, and Science Reasoning). Even if students are undecided about post high school educational plans, the PLAN test will give them more information about their strengths and challenges, their interests, and their career ideas.
Welcome to ninth grade! There are so many new opportunities here at CVU for our newest students that sometimes the biggest challenge is in learning to balance everything at once! This fall, ninth graders are settling into classes, developing consistent homework habits, and learning study skills. Sometimes the academic transition into high school can be a challenge, so be sure to keep in touch with teachers and counselors to let us know what’s needed.
CVU Buddy Program
The CVU Buddy Program matches high school students with elementary school students for the purpose of creating positive, one-on-one relationships. CVU Buddies go during a free block, twice a week, to spend time with younger buddies at their elementary school. Transportation is provided. For more information or to apply to the Buddy Program, see MaryAnne Gatos in the Direction Center.
DUO Internships
DUO encourages student learning through involvement in our community both at CVU and beyond. Students who volunteer regularly may earn credit. Examples include assisting in IT, Media Services, the Art Department, a particular teacher, working at ECHO Center, in theatre at an elementary school, at a local recording studio, and many, many more. To discuss interests, opportunities and schedule, see MaryAnne Gatos in the Direction Center.
Shadow Program. - on CVU half days: October 30th
Shadowing gives a student a glimpse of a career. If you are able and interested in offering a shadow experience to a high school student, please contact MaryAnne Gatos at [email protected]. Applications are available on the Shadow Program web page and in the Direction Center. Parents: Your generosity is appreciated. Please consider offering a job shadow experience to a CVU student. Healthcare careers, architects, engineers, business people, name it! MaryAnne Gatos matches students to experiences after conversing with you about your work. You may be specific about what you can offer. Students typically observe for 1-3 hours. Students participate in a mandatory orientation meeting to cover job skills, research the company or career, and discuss confidentiality and reliability.
Community Involvement
There are many opportunities for students to be involved in the community: Grad Challenge, Academic Internship, Shadow Program, Buddy Program, and volunteering through teams, clubs, Advisories and on one’s own. These experiences help broaden students’ community perspective, often giving them insight into careers, jobs, and areas of study. Volunteer opportunities and conference notices are posted in the Announcements, often on posters on bulletin boards, and on the Community Learning Opportunities web page. If you work at an organization that needs volunteers or a company that can offer a shadow experience, please contact MaryAnne Gatos at [email protected] or 482-7195.

CVU juniors and seniors now have access to virtual seats in the VHS Consortium. This non-profit, global network includes over 500 high schools and enables students to consider 200 online courses. Now that CVU is a member school, students can pursue specific areas of interest with other students from around the globe.
We have 25 spaces available each semester to supplement our CVU course offerings. Sound interesting? Students can check out the catalog at Spring registration will begin in November; juniors and seniors are also encouraged to consider a January course. Call Jane Krasnow in the Direction Center for more information.